Get in touch
121 West Main Street
La Grange, KY 40031
502-225-0444 • Station
502-225-9783 • Fax
502-222-1433 • City Hall
502-222-0111 • Dispatch
Police Chief Greg Collett
(502) 225-0444
Ch. 117: Alcoholic Beverages
In addition to applicable State ABC laws and regulations, all current and prospective Local ABC license holders
and/or applicants should familiarize themselves with
City of LaGrange ABC Ordinances
*Please note §117.12(B) regarding signage prior to ordering any signs for your business.*
Annual ABC Licenses
The application fee varies by license type and date the license is issued.
Annual ABC licenses expire June 30th of each year.
Renewal licenses are valid
July 1st – June 30th of the following year.
Temporary ABC Licenses
Temporary licenses are for any qualifying event that is open to the public and will be serving or auctioning alcohol.
For More Information
Questions about Local ABC licensing should be directed to the LaGrange ABC Coordinator Tara Kelton at 502-225-0444 or
Questions about State ABC licensing should be directed to the
Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at (502) 564-4850 or
Additional information can be found online at